Wadi Al Joz

Wadi al-Joz meaning Valley of Walnuts in Arabic is a neighborhood in East Jerusalem, located north of the Old City and bordering Sheikh Jarrah and French hill neighborhoods. It is within walking distance to the old city and the busy shopping street in the city center, Salah ad-Din. Wadi al-Joz offers a big supermarket, butcher and vegetable shops. It is also within walking distance to the Hebrew university, gym complex with a swimming pool and tennis courts.

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Buses (Egged)

Sunday – Friday: 5:00 AM - 1:00 AM
Friday / Holiday evening:  5:00 AM - 15:30 PM

Saturday / Holiday: 60 minutes upon the conclusion of holiday till 01:00

Buses (Mwahadeh)

Every day:  07:00 AM – 21:00 PM

Friday (Non-Operating hours): From 12:00 PM – 14:00 PM

Shopping & Supermarkets

Shopping Centers

Wadi Al Joz Shopping Avenue

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Abu Zahra Supermarket

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